Are you someone who judges your future based on where you are today? It is human nature to put more focus on today’s concerns which in turn creates a distorted view of what our future holds. You may feel stuck in a loveless relationship, a dead-end job, or are frustrated with how you have let your health go. Maybe you go to bed at night dreaming of a better life and wake up every morning with nothing to look forward to.
I have good news for you. It’s not the circumstances of your life that are holding you back. Its you. And because you are responsible for you – it is completely within your control to change it. (Hooray!)
But, creating a life you love is not for the weary. It is only for the brave.
When you take a stand to stop living in your excuses and start taking action towards creating a better future, it can be scary. It can be uncomfortable leaving the little bubble of your current situation because that little bubble provides you with certainty. You may feel miserable in your body, relationship, career, or financial status but at least you know what to expect – right?!?
The need for certainty is one of the main reasons people do not make the necessary changes in their life to feel joy instead of pain.
What if instead of relying on certainty (one of the 6 Human needs) from the way you designed your life (job, health, finances, etc.) you learned how to rely on the certainty in yourself? What if instead, you relied on certainty that YOU have what it takes make a change towards happiness? What if you had so much certainty in yourself that you could take whatever leap necessary to work towards a future you loved?
Where do you find that certainty? Here are 5 things that can help you find certainty in yourself.
#1 Decide
What is ONE decision you could you make in your life RIGHT NOW that would change everything?
#2 Habit analysis
Look at your daily habits. When you are not feeling confident in your current situation your habits will tell that story. When people are not happy, they generally lean on habits that are not good for them but relieve their stress temporarily -smoking, drinking, complaining, eating, shopping, gambling, etc.
#3 Create a vision
How will your life be better by making this decision? Who else benefits? What would you look forward to after acting on this decision? How is your future impacted in a positive way?
#4 take the First step
What would be the first step you would take in making this vision a reality?
#5 Have Faith
Faith is having complete trust or confidence in yourself that it will turn out as planned without solid evidence of how it will happen. Faith is the new certainty. Faith requires bravery to step outside of your current existence and into a work of possibilities.
#6 Phone a friend
When you start sharing your brave decisions with people who support you, it becomes real.
It is never too late to reinvent the part of you that is finding comfort in certainty. Step into your bravery and create something that will make you proud. It all starts with a decision.
When will you decide that NOW is your time?
Your Life Coach – Traci