I remember feeling so frustrated with how many times I had failed at changing my eating habits, spending habits, and work out (or lack thereof) habits.
I remember losing hope that I would ever be at a place in my life where I felt in control, as opposed to, the bad habits running my life.
I remember feeling as if I was walking through life but not really going anywhere.
I remember having the deep desire to make a change but always ended up feeling defeated and confused as to why it was so difficult to follow through.
Do you let self-doubt keep you from creating habits that excel your life as opposed to stalling it?
For 20 years, I made MULTIPLE attempts at creating a habit of going to the gym. My intentions were good. I wanted to have more energy and to have a strong, healthy body. But motivation was not enough. After a few short weeks, what little motivation I had worn off and I’d find myself using excuses to not go to the gym.
I don’t have the time. I should not spend the money. I don’t have the energy.
But internally, giving up left me feeling guilt and shame for failing again. I started to wonder why I did not have the drive to succeed at this like others did. I wondered what was wrong with me.
That was until I finally learned the real reason as to why I was always failing. This was a game changer! It was like a 10 ton brick was lifted from my shoulders when I learned that my failure in accomplishing the goal was not because I did not have the will power. It was not because I was not committed. It was not because was a failure.
What I learned was that I was failing because my brain did not want me to change.
You see, the brains job is to keep us safe and one of the triggers that alerts the brain that we are not safe is when you engage in a behavior that is out of the norm. When we engage in a behavior that the brain has not yet deemed “rewardable” and recognizable, it will do its best to put us “back on track”. This shows up on the form of urges or limiting beliefs about my ability to make a change. In simpler terms, it shows up as quitting. This blew my mind!
It turns out 80% of your success in changing or creating a habit is psychology! Only 20% is strategy. But most people spend 100% on strategy – AKA: How do I make this change.
This is why people fail.
The recipe to finally change eating habits, spending habits, laziness habits, smoking habits or any habit is in rewiring the brain. And to rewire the brain, you need a formula to get you through the urges.
Part of the formula is in creating empowering beliefs about your success. Part is in creating an identity that supports your goal. Part is in knowing why you really want it.
The secret is in making small, incremental changes that make a big difference.
The secret is in surrounding yourself with people who support you throughout the process. The secret is in learning about how the brain works against you.
The secret is in making the decision that this time will be different.
Simply put – the secret is in the psychology – not the strategy.
Being a life coach for the last five years and helping other people change their life helped me finally figure out the secret to helping my own. After learning and implementing these changes, I went from Couch Potato to Gym Rat in 90 days! I want to help you do the same!
I know with the new year a lot of you are thinking about goals. I have created a free 2021 Goal Planner to help you get started on figuring out what goals you really want to accomplish. I also know, that statistically by the time you could be taking the first step in changing your life forever, 80% of you will have already given up.
Another very crucial part to the formula for success is accountability and support of a group of people to help cheer you on and also relate to what you are going through.
Habit Slayers Elite Group Coaching is a 90 day Group Coaching experience that is designed to help you make slow and intentional progress towards creating habits in your life by focusing on the psychology of why you want to change the habit.
This program includes:
- Support and connection with people who have the same desire as you do to slay that habit once and for all.
- One-on-one personal coaching in a group setting.
- Weekly hour long meetings via zoom
- Weekly assignments that help you really discover more about yourself and why you have these habits
- Lifetime admittance to an exclusive Facebook group for support an accountability anytime you need.
- Education that you will use for a lifetime regarding the brain and habits.
In Habit Slayers Elite Group Coaching, we take one step at a time.
One habit change at a time.
One lesson at a time.
One session at a time.
90 days to freedom! 90 days to feeling proud! 90 days to go from I can’t to I did! Imagine what you will feel like in April as a Habit Slayer graduate, living the live you have always wanted!
Check back or contact Traci to see when the next Habit Slayers Group Coaching is enrolling.