For much of my life, I kept my goals to myself, convinced that it was easier to face disappointment alone than to risk the judgment of others. Vulnerability and I were not friends. But, I soon learned that this solitary approach lacked the motivation and accountability I desperately needed. When I finally began to share my goals with just one person, everything changed. The more I opened up, the more support I found, and suddenly, my goals carried new meaning. The lesson was clear: your circle matters.
As I’ve grown, I’ve learned that there are four kinds of people you need in your corner to succeed, and they don’t necessarily have to come from your existing social circle. Whether it’s a coworker, a coach, or even a neighbor, these people can evolve with you and your goals.

#1 – The Believer
This person believes in you more than you believe in yourself. They provide the motivation you need to take that first, often terrifying, step. I’ll never forget a manager of mine who urged me to apply for a promotion I didn’t feel ready for. She laughed at my self-doubt, not because my fears weren’t real, but because she knew I was capable. She said, “Trust me—you’re ready!” That moment changed my perspective.
Believers show up when you share your dreams, so start talking about them, and they will reveal themselves. It happened again when I wanted to become a Life Coach. I leaned on the “Believers” in my life and it gave me the courage I needed.
#2 The Cheerleader
Your Cheerleader is the one who keeps the excitement alive, even when things get tough. They cheer you on, celebrate your progress, and keep the momentum going long after the initial push. When I was pursuing that same job promotion, I had a few coworkers and friends who became my cheerleaders. Their enthusiasm for my success kept me going. The Cheerleader was also the first person I called when I got my dream job as a coach because I needed to tell someone who would match my excitement. That is always the Cheerleader!
#3 – The Mentor
Mentors are people who are already where you want to be. They offer wisdom, experience, and guidance. I’ve sought mentors throughout my career and personal life—people who’ve walked the path before me and could help me navigate my own journey. Surround yourself with those who can lift you up and show you the way. You do not have to figure things out all on your own.
#4 The Truth Bomber
This person is not afraid to call you out when you’re falling short. They hold you accountable, helping you stay true to your goals when you want to give up. My best friend was my Truth Bomber. She wasn’t afraid to kick me into gear when I was letting fear or self-doubt take over.
In addition, there are certain people you will want to stay away from.
The Executioners
I believe you should not share your dreams with everyone. If you have people in your life that have been known to rain on your parade – hang out with them if you want but keep your dreams to yourself. The Executioners kill motivation to move forward on your goals. They drain the energy right out of them. Executioners would benefit from having Believers in their life but are too busy blaming others for their short comings than to learn from them.