You’ve probably heard the words intentions and goals before, maybe even interchangeably, but did you know they are very different things? As you are aware, goals are things you want to accomplish such as sales targets, weight loss, financial planning, or fitness milestones. If done correctly, it includes a plan and a deadline for clarity. Goals are “future” focused and require actions towards a specific outcome.
Intention setting is more of a feeling or an attitude. It describes who you want to be as you are achieving this goal or how you need to show up to reach your goal. Intentions are “present” focused and involves only one word or one short phrase that is used to quickly get you back on track to what is important to you. With just one word, your brain can be taken from distraction to willful direction towards what you want.
For example, if you have a weight loss goal and a deadline set for when you would like to reach your first milestone it would be helpful to set an intentional word everyday to help you with the process. If you have a graduation party to attend that you know will involve cake and ice cream, you may set your intentional word of the day as being committed. By setting this intention, when you show up to the party your brain is already programmed to focus on the commitment to yourself and your health goals.
Intentional words or phrases will determine what it will take to reach your desired results, however, they do not have to be tied to goals. You can use intentional words or phrases to help you reduce overwhelm of a busy schedule (focus, smile, grateful). They can help determine your attitude towards a challenging situation (patience, calm, understanding) or to help with the relationship with children or others (patience, love, joy).
Here are five things to remember about intentions vs. goals:
- Intentions are the attitude in which you want to show up to achieve your goals. (Focused, committed, dedicated, strength, believe, faith, purpose, etc.)
- Intentions are “present” focused where goals are “future” focused.
- Setting intentions everyday can help reduce overwhelm and strengthen emotional energy.
- Intentions help to inspire you to reach your goals.
- Intentional words or phrases when used on a daily basis can help you stay on task, reduce overwhelm, and help overall emotional energy.
“Every intention is a trigger for transformation.”– Deepak Chopra
P.S. If you need some coaching on goals and slaying habits, checkout my brand new self-paced online course, Habit Slayers: Change Your Brain, Change Your Habits, Change Your Life!