The end of a year generally motives people to consider what they would like to create in the new upcoming year. Goals are set, action steps are set, and excitement is felt at the possibilities that lay ahead. I love creating goals at this time of year. It feels like a new beginning. It is a time to learn from the previous year and to create a fresh start. Vision boards are great addition to any goal setting project, but most people do not understand how to properly use a vision board. Including myself! I used to have fun creating them and posting them on the refrigerator. I would hang it up and then say-
“Ok Vision Board – do your thing!”
I didn’t know what the “thing” was, but all the blogs were saying I needed one so – I made one! It had pictures of people in bikini’s, motivational quotes about being healthy and pictures of salads, smoothies, and vegetables. I would see it each time I opened the freezer for a bowl of ice cream. Months later I could not understand why it was not working. Isn’t it supposed to create magical power to make all my dreams come true? Mine must be broken. Stupid Vision Board – what a hoax!
One day, I was listening to an audio book about the Law of Attraction. I always knew that if you focus your attention to what you want that the Universe would provide but I never considered it a part of the Vision Board process. Turns out, my board was never broken – I was just using it wrong!
The Law of Attraction is easy to create, although it can feel complicated if you read about the physics involved in making it happen. When theoretical physics talk about how vision boards work based on our vibration and energy forces I get lost and start to lose interest. So, I decided to use the Law of Attraction that I live in every day along with what I know about how the brain works to create my own successful formula.
Here is my simple way of explaining how Vision Boards work in relatable terms.
The Universal Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Meaning, that if I focus on the right things, I will notice more and more of those things showing up in my life. For example. If I want to get out of debt, and I focus on my life being debt free, I will notice more and more people also trying to get out of debt, ways to get out of debt, etc. So, here are my simple rules for making your Vision Board realllly work.
1. The first rule in making your vision board work for you is to decide what you would like to focus on.
Pick your primary goal and decide that this is the year to make it happen. Decide that you will focus on following your strategy and that it is achievable.
The brain must make thousands of decisions a day. And if we do not let the brain know what is a priority to us is it will take it upon itself to decide for you. If you have a goal to eat healthier but you do not take the time to remind the brain of its importance the chances of you choosing a cupcake over the vegetable tray at the next potluck is high. Which brings me the 2nd rule of making your vision board work for you.
2. You have to look at your vision board every single day and focus on the images as if they have already happened.
When you see your vision board every day for at least 60-90 seconds, you are letting the brain know that it is a priority for you. While looking at the board, think about how good it will feel to make that goal a reality. Close your eyes and imagine it already coming true. The brain loves visions and imagery. And because the brain does not know the difference – when you imagine your goal coming true – it will emit serotonin – the mood enhancing hormone. When you anticipate good results, it creates the motivation behind making good decision making. Basically, by imagining your vision as if it has happened, it tricks your brain into thinking it has!
3. You have to create a positive association with your goal by acting as if you are the kind of person that would take all the right steps in achieving it.
Find a role model if needed and ask yourself – what would “enter role model here” do in this situation. Create a positive identity around your goals. I am the kind of person that: eats healthy, moves their body, saves their money, etc…And each time you make good choices to do those things, you start to create momentum in believing that you really are that person!
Let’s keep it real. Goal creating is fun, but goal achievement can be daunting. We have a point A (Where we are now) and a point B (Where you want to be) and its allllll the stuff that happens in between where people generally give up on their goals. This is where your vision board can be most useful.
When you put your plan into action and find yourself struggling – run to your vision board!
See yourself achieving your goals. See yourself being proud of yourself for sticking it out. Go back to Rule 2. Remind the brain what you want. Remind yourself what you want. Consider it “easy” not “hard.”
Now that you know the best ways to use your vision board, I hope that you will take the time to create one and to use it wisely! I have some ready-made vision board kits put together and ready to send to you – shipping included!
Kit Themes are:
I wish you the best we end this year and leap into a new year of possibilities.
Your Life Coach – Traci