Being mindful of your language and changing negative thoughts to be positive can initially take up a lot of mental energy. But once you create a habit of it, you will notice a huge difference in motivation and overall positivity in your life. One simple way to start this process is with your language.

I often talk to clients who say that its easier for them to stay in their negative mindset because it is easier then attempting to be mindful and change them. Do you notice that on days when you are low or feeling negative, everything seems to be going that way? This is due to the law of attraction and the words you are saying to yourself. I have told you before to watch your language but this is a simple way to really remember that language matters.
“I have to work on this project. I need to workout.” Not necessarily negative at first glance but those little words of “need to” and “have to” pack a big punch to your brain
Here is a really simple trick that you can use to improve your mood and mindset. Stop using the following phrases to describe a goal or task that you want to accomplish.
– Have to
– Need to
– Should do
The brain hears these words as being negative. If you think about it – who gets motivated by things that they have or need to do? And the word “should” means that the thing you want to do isn’t something you are really excited about doing and therefore, will not provide the motivation. Examples: I should lose weight. I should save more money. I have go to the store. I should try harder in my relationship. I need to workout. Do you see how they all indicate they aren’t things you really want to do? And sure, even if you don’t want to, using different words will trick your mind to actually getting excited to do them! Isn’t the brain cool?
Instead of using have to, need to, should do, use these phrases instead:
– Want to
– Get to
– Choose to
Do you feel that shift already? I want to lose weight. I choose to save money. I choose to exercise. I get to go grocery shopping. I want to start in on my book. Once you start using these words to describe your goal or tasks, you will feel a subtle shift in how you feel about doing it. The brain hears these words as positive.

So here is a challenge I have for you. The next time you hear yourself using “have to, need to, should do” – immediately say the thought again using the motivating words of “want to, get to, choose to”. You WILL feel the shift
So there you go – a quick, easy and effective language hack that can improve your motivation towards doing anything without draining your mental energy by being mindful of your language. You’re Welcome 😊
If you are interested in learning more about changing your habits, checkout my free masterclass, Break the Habit!
Your Life Coach – Traci