What does it mean to create your destiny and why should you care? The dictionary describes destiny as “a course of events that leads to someone’s future”. This is missing one very important element – who is responsible for the course of events? It is true that sometimes fate steps in and puts people, or opportunities, right in front of our face that we may refer to being “destiny.” These situations are rare and frankly, I like to have more control over my future then leaving it to chance.

I know what you are thinking – “If only there was a formula to figure out which actions to take or where to direct my focus to create what I want for my life, for my future, to create my destiny. If only I could see into my future now!”
Worry no more my friend! I got you!
Nothing predicts your destiny more than looking at your habits. Habits are behaviors you do consistently. They are automatic. They can be positive, negative, or neutral. Habits are a choice. When we choose to engage in a behavior repeatedly it becomes a part of our lifestyle.
Negative habits that become lifestyles like eating poorly, overspending, people pleasing, addictions, negative mindsets, and complaining can be damaging to your mental, emotional, and physical health. And in time, will lead you to a destiny you full of stress and regret.
The Destiny Formula is simply:
- Habits are behaviors you do consistently.
- What you do consistently is a choice.
- Your choices determine your lifestyle.
- Your lifestyle determines your mental, physical and emotional health.
- Your mental, physical, and emotional health determines your destiny.
Examples of things you do to improve your mental, physical or emotional health which will ultimately lead to a destiny you can look forward to are:
Mental Health – your brain. It is depression, anxiety, addictions, impulse control, etc…
- Therapy
- Meditation
- Routines
- Good sleeping patterns
- Focus on others
- Support system
- Sharing your feelings
- Breath work
Physical Health – your body. It is the movement and nutrition you provide your body.
- Exercise
- Nutrition
- Weight train
- Stretching
- Hydration
- Not using substances like alcohol
Emotional Health – your heart. It is the ability to regulate emotions. It is also the ability to create thoughts that serve you, as opposed to, people, events or situations determining how you feel. Thoughts create your emotions. Having poor emotional health can lead to poor mental health.
- Live in gratitude
- Control the meanings you apply to situations
- Have a solid belief system
- Ability to disrupt negative thoughts
- Create your own motivation
- 90 sec – 50 min venting rule
- Read, listen to or watch uplifting content
- Get a Life Coach
Ask yourself these questions to gain clarity for yourself on where to start:
- Which category will I start in? (Mental, Physical or Emotional?)
- Why is this important to me to focus on this area of my life?
- What will I do consistently in this area to improve it? (Habit creation)
- How will this help me create the destiny I desire?
- When will I start?
Leaving your future to chance is a risky move. Decide what you want for your destiny and choose the behavior that is going to get you there. Your future self will thank you for it!
I am not only a Life Coach, I am also a fortune teller. Tell me your habits and I’ll predict your future. 😉
Your Life Coach – Traci