Confidence – everyone wants it, and a lot of people are lacking it. As a life coach, I find that most clients are not living their best life because they want confidence before they do “the thing”. This procrastination in waiting for confidence before getting started won’t work when trying to gain confidence.
The good news is that confidence will most definitely be yours. The bad news is – you will need to work for it because it is something that you earn after doing hard things. It isn’t something that magically appears one day and gives you the green light to doing the things you desire to do. Confidence is the reward for putting in the work to better yourself. I know, you may be thinking well this isn’t great news. But, I promise you the confidence will come.
Here are 3 of my top tips on how to build your confidence.
#1 – Set goals and work on them until you reach the outcome you desire.
One of the main reason’s people lose confidence in themselves is when they set goals but do not work on them until they reach their outcome. They may give up because it is too hard, or they lose patience from not seeing results quick enough. When you give up on your goals your brain stores it as a failure which diminishes self-esteem. But when you stay determined and refuse to give up and eventually hit the finish line that feeling of pride raises your confidence level. You will see at that point that the person you have become while reaching your goal outweighs the outcome itself. It is the best feeling and confidence booster ever to reach your goals!
#2 – Create an exercise ritual.

Exercise is the best way to reduce stress and anxiety because it increases serotonin. You have heard it before! But yet – so many people do not do it. I love helping my clients create exercise rituals slowly. Some clients start at 10 minutes / 2 days a week for 30 days. The next month they raise it to 15 mins / 3 days a week and so on until eventually they are at 20 minutes per day 5 days a week. These clients have increased confidence because they set a goal, had patience, stayed determined and reached the finish line.
#3 – Make decisions.
Staying in a place of indecision because you have a high need for certainty is not helping your confidence level. Being afraid to make the wrong decision comes from lack of confidence and belief in yourself. Instead of staying in this place, try this – do a Pro/Con’s list. Find solutions for the cons, make a decision, and go forward no matter what. Since you do not have a crystal ball to tell us our future you must instead trust in yourself. If you decide later that you didn’t make the right decision you can fix it by either A) Make the decision right or B) Make another decision!
As you start to increase your confidence level, you also start to raise your standards and expectations for yourself. You may be surprised at how many more goals you set, how many you crush, and what you become capable of!