As Tony Robbins says, as well as several other peak performance experts – if you are not growing you are dying. I caught myself last year giving up on my desire to learn how to play the drums. I don’t necessarily want to be a drummer. I just want to be able to learn how to play one song. I do not know what that song is yet. Probably whatever is the simplest song to play on the drums! Regardless, I will learn!
I was a teenager in the 80s and grew up on 80s rock and heavy metal thanks to my stepdad who would crank AC/DC, Led Zepplin, Rush and Ozzy just to name a few – from our basement. As fate would have it, the basement was right below my bedroom. At the time I found it frustrating because he was drowning out my favorite Air Supply songs that I was listening to in my room that I taped off the radio. My little cassette tape recorder speakers were no match for his monster speakers and subwoofers. I eventually outgrew Air Supply and found myself listening to his Ozzy albums when he was not home. To this day, I still love the class rock and heavy metal bands. It was conditioned into me as a child. And I am glad it was. But really any song that has great drums – rock or not – I am into. There are a couple Linkin Park songs that have some great drums!
So that is where my love for drums came from. I never imagined learning to play. I even married a drummer and didn’t have the urge to learn at that time. When I see a live concert I always catch myself watching the drummer more than I watch anyone else. Especially Tommy Lee. Love me some Motely Crue!
When I started to think about the possibility of learning how to play I felt ridiculous.
Really Traci? The drums? That’s silly. I should be saving up to travel like most middle agers are doing not committing to something that most people learn as kids.
As a Life Coach I have gotten good at challenging my own limiting beliefs. When I challenge that thought what comes up is “Why not learn?” “What would it feel like when I do learn?” I have no excuse not to. My first step was calling West Music to find out how much lessons were. Its an investment! An investment on leaving this earth on empty. An investment into teaching my daughter that she should not be limited by anything. An investment in learning and growing. An investment in myself.
What do you have left to learn? What have you always wanted to learn but gave up on? Or what is something that sounds fun to learn? What is the first step you would take to follow through?
Also, what song do you think I should learn how to play? Suggestions welcome!
Your Life Coach – Traci
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp_3YeUQEFE Machine Head—Exhale the Vile
I had an amazing stereo system in my Bronco and this song fucking rocks with the drums when cranked up.