Have you ever created a goal you were really excited about and diligently executed that goal for a couple of days only to wake up a week later and realize – you had completely forgotten you had even set that goal!? Somewhere along the line it completely slipped your mind!
What’s up with that!? Where did the momentum go? How could is it possible to just suddenly FORGET working towards the goal?

After working with hundreds of clients on reaching their goals I have discovered one very important behavior that sets the successful people apart from the forgetters. Full Immersion.
What is the Full Immersion Method?
Full Immersion is the act of becoming obsessed with learning everything there is to know about the topic you want to succeed in. Full immersion isn’t something you do for a day or two. It is the act of continuously educating yourself. The more you learn the more confident you feel in your ability to achieve it. The more people you surround yourself with that have achieved the same goal the more motivated you become. The more you flood your brain with information the easier it is for your brain to focus and never forget.
This immersion starts after you create your goal and has a 100% success rate that you’ll never forget about your goal again. If you want to lose weight, become financially free, start a fitness routine, start a business, grow your business, be in a relationship, leave your relationship, become a better parent, etc…you must fully immerse yourself into that topic.
How do I enter Full Immersion?
There are multiple ways to get fully immersed. You can choose only one way or several ways, whatever you find enjoyable, do that.
The only rule is that you commit to at least 30 minutes of immersion every day.
Ways to immerse yourself in a goal:
- Read or listen to books or podcasts
- Attend workshops
- Watch webinars
- Hire a coach to keep you accountable
- Watch YouTube videos
- Find a course on the topic
- Find influencers on social media who know about the topic
- Join a social media group that is focused on your goal
So, if you are someone who has given up on a goal in the past because of a failure to succeed, I suggest you give it another shot! This time fully immerse yourself because you deserve it.
Your Life Coach – Traci