What is something in your life you are questioning? Maybe an easier question to ask is –What is something in your life that is causing you to feel confusion, stress, frustration or overwhelm?
If you are starting a new goal this year that scares you – you may be questioning if you can really do it. (And BTW if you created a goal that scares you – Congrats!! Those are the best goals to create!)
If you own a business, you may be questioning how COVID-19 is going to affect it in 2021. If you are in a rocky relationship you may be questioning if it will last. If your kids are doing virtual school, you may be questioning if they are learning enough.
Its scientifically proven that our subconscious mind will always tell us what we are doing wrong or what we should be a fearful of. And when we focus on problems – guess what – you have more problems! Lucky for us we also have a conscious mind that can help turn stress into action. But only if you use it! The best way to become solution focused as opposed to problem focused in all area’s of your life is to:
1) Get clear on what the issue is that is causing the confusion, stress, frustration or overwhelm.
2) Ask yourself “What is the unanswered question(s) that can solve this problem?”
3) Act on the question
4) Repeat the process again and again
If you have a new goal that scares you (HOORAY and good job!) and you are feeling afraid to fail going through this process. Let’s break it down by situation.
1 (Get Clarity) The uncertainty of what will happen with my business in 2021 is causing me to feel frustrated.
2 (What is the unanswered question?) What is my plan B if I do get shut down? OR What action steps can I take right now to ensure that does not happen?
Go through #3 and #4
1) Get clarity – I am unhappy with how we communication in this relationship.
2) What is the unanswered question?) What is within my control to make this relationship better?
3 and #4
Our problems live in the subconscious mind which is where fear, self-doubt and negativity lives. But, turning that problem into a solvable question you are using your conscious mind which is where rational and logical thinking lives. So as you can see, the answers are in the questions.
Asking the right questions to find a solution is a choice. And so is living in your problem. Here’s to choosing wisely!
Your Life Coach – Traci