There are endless reasons why people are in bad moods. Reasons range from feeling overworked, watching too many negative news stories (are there any other kind?), to the changing of the seasons, not enough time in the sun, and the foods that we eat. There isn’t enough room in this blog to list EVERY reason so let’s assume that you know what your “bad mood” trigger is and let’s dive in on changing it.

Although the reasons you are in a bad mood feel external based on people, events, or situations that happen in your life the remedy for a reprieve from it is internally related to the chemistry of your brain. This is great because that means that you do not need external factors (people, events, or situations) to happen to put you in a good mood. You can do that on your own! YAY!
The brain chemical serotonin is responsible for your mood. The more serotonin you have at the moment the better you feel. Serotonin is something that you can produce instantly using the right triggers. When serotonin is released, it feels like taking a shot of happiness. Cheesy – but true!
Here are 3 things you can do to increase serotonin and change your mood instantly!
- Look forward to something. Serotonin is released anytime you think about something you are looking forward to. The only rule is that you must REALLY be looking forward to it. (If the event is happening in the short term – that is even better.) This works because the brain release’s chemicals based on your thoughts. When you think about the event you are looking forward to – for example, a date night with your partner, a kid free day at the spa, or watching a new episode of your favorite show – the brain doesn’t see the event happening in the future. The brain believes it is happening now and releases the serotonin. Research has shown that the anticipation of an event releases more serotonin than the event itself. So, take a minute and think about something you are looking forward to. If you do not have anything to look forward to – create something! You should have soemthing to look forward to every single day.
- Move your body. This is not new. You know this to be true that exercise is the best thing we can do to release serotonin. Yet – so many people do not do it. Sometimes, thought of moving your body might actually put you in a bad mood. But here is the thing, there are 24 hours in a day, and it only takes 20 minutes out of those 24 hours to release serotonin. If you made “happiness” your goal, as opposed to weight los, you may shift how you view excercise. One of the main reason’s people give up on their weight loss goals is impatience with seeing results. Assumimg you want to lose weight to be happier and healthier, make sweating 20 minutes per day your goal and you do not have to wait for the weight loss to get the actual result you are after which will help you create the habit of excercising.
- Practice gratitude. It is the stereotypical advice you see on positive quotes, in self help books and motivational speeches. The reason for that is simple – it works! The brain cannot have a negative thought and a positive thought simultaneously. If you are stuck in your head about negative things you can give your brain a reprieve from the stress by closing your eyes and taking 5 minutes to think about your blessings. When you open your eyes, you will feel more energy and less stress. Try it. Make a list every morning before work, during lunch, and before bed. Name just three things that you are grateful for. Try this every day for a week and see how you feel.
One note, the serotonin you produce does not last all day. Therefore, you will want to use these techniques several times a day whenever needed.
Here is a BONUS tip that helped me change my mood and get through 2020.
March 2020 was full of intense uncertainty. We watched the news every day – all day. By June things were worse – more uncertainty. As much as I wanted to, I could not pull myself away. I found myself getting in a worse mood every single day. The bad mood also included sadness and anxiety. In July I discovered “Some Good News” – a YouTube Channel started by John Krasinski. And like the title suggests – it had nothing but GOOD NEWS. Every time I watched it, I could feel my serotonin levels increasing. I was smiling, laughing, and “happy” crying every day. I choose to watch the news on TV to be informed and reduced it to only a couple of hours a day. When I would have a break at work – I watched 15 minutes of Some Good News. It was a game-changer. I still watch it today! Check it out, and don’t forget, you are in control of your mood.
Your Life Coach – Traci