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Brent Cassity was an innovative CEO of Forever Enterprises a national company, which he grew from a regional company to operating in over 22 states. Brent was recognized by the national media; TIME, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, to name a few. HBO even did a documentary that spawned the TV series “Six Feet Under.” Just when he thought he had it all he lost it all and found himself standing at the Gates of Leavenworth Prison to serve a 5 year sentence.
In this episode, Brent shares his story of going from CEO to inmate and the mindset survival tools he used in prison that can used in every day life to help if you are stuck and fearful to take the next step forward. Brent shares how trust can be a comfort or a knife to your personal growth. The old Henry Ford Quote said it best, “Whether you think you can or you can’t…you are right.” Mindset is the game changer to live to accomplish Nightmare Success!