Do you have desires in life but can’t seem to figure out how to get out of your own way to make it happen? One of the reasons may be because your desires are not in alignment with your belief systems. What you believe about money, people, the world, spirituality, etc. are formed in a few ways. It starts in childhood based on the beliefs of your guardians/parents. You were raised with the beliefs of the people around you. When you grew up, they may have changed based on life experience.
If you were asked today what your beliefs are, would you know?

It is extremely important that you evaluate your belief systems because:
- Your beliefs create your thoughts…
- Which impact your feelings…
- Which drive your actions…
- and your actions lead to results…
So let’s say, for example, you want to be in a relationship, but your belief is that all people cheat. That would look like this:
Belief: All people cheat.
Thought: I don’t want to get hurt.
Feeling: Sad, frustrated, hopeless
Actions: Do not take any action towards meeting anyone. Isolation.
Result: Loneliness
If you believe flying is dangerous you may relate to this scenario:
Desire: To travel to a different country.
Belief: It isn’t safe to fly.
Thought: The plane will crash, and I do not want to risk it.
Feelings: Anxiety and comfort for making the decision not to fly
Actions: Travel locally only
Result: Never reach your desired results of seeing the world.
As you can see – each scenario starts with a desire and ends with a result that is driven by our beliefs. This proves that our beliefs systems are responsible for the life that you create. I want to help you be free of this so that you can finally start getting results that meet your desires.
How to change your belief system
There are specific questions that you can ask yourself to turn this belief system around. I learned this process through Byron Katy who is a bestselling author and Thought Leader. She is best known for her methodology of working through belief systems that are not serving people. She calls the process – The Work.
This is how Byron breaks down the cycle.
Belief: All people Cheat.
#1 Is that true that all people cheat? Yes
#2 Is it absolutely true? Do I know “all” people? No – it is not absolutely true.
#3 How do you feel when you believe that thought? Sad
#4 Who would you be without that thought? Happier, someone who socializes more, someone who isn’t afraid to get close to people
#5 What would you need to believe instead to live without this thought? That there are potential partners that would not cheat. That if I meet someone who cheats I will be ok. People who cheat have insecurities that have nothing to do with me.
So, when this thought of “all people cheat” comes up again, the inner conversation may look like this:
I want to reach out to this person that I am interested in.
(Subconscious mind) Don’t do it – all people cheat. It will lead to pain!
You can use this exercise for any belief that you have that is not getting the results you desire. Going through this exercise will not make the old belief disappear. Most beliefs are deep rooted in the subconscious to protect you from potential pain. However, when the old belief does come up you use what you wrote for question #5 to destroy it.
And then celebrate yourself for being a Badass BOSS for creating the live you desire (Virtual High Five!)
If you want to work through any of these beliefs, reach out!
Your Life Coach – Traci