If I were to ask you. “What is your worst habit?” what would you answer with? I’m guessing you might answer with things such as sugar addiction, smoking, overeating, drinking, procrastination, waking up late, people pleasing, etc. But, have you ever thought about the subconscious bad habits that you have as it relates to negative thinking? Yes, negative thinking can be one of the worst habits that people have. Yet it may be the most unrecognizable bad habit because it happens so quickly in the subconscious mind. You may write it off as being “just who I am” as opposed to being a habit that can be changed.
Everyone is better than me.
Why bother giving my ideas – nobody will like them.
That person would never go on a first date with someone like me.
People will judge me.
I am not likable.
This is the best it will ever be.
These negative thoughts did not magically appear one day out of nowhere. An experience that you had in your life lead for that thought to be born. And unfortunately, there is little you can do to remove it. However, their is a habitual “act” that you can create that would be MOST beneficial to your life which is to not allow the negative thoughts to make decisions for you.
These negative thought pattern’s can be responsible for you not moving up in your career, staying in a dead-end job, staying single when you wish to be in a relationship, staying in a relationship that is not fulfilling, etc. Since our thoughts create our emotion and our emotions create our behavior – with this negative mindset – you will not experience all that you can be.
Here are four tips on what you can do to change the habit of negative thinking.
- Recognize what the negative pattern of thinking is. What comes up for you most often? Which thoughts keep you from moving forward?
- Recognize that hanging onto this thought pattern and allowing it to make your decisions is a habit that CAN be changed.
- Decide which habit you will put into place when negative thoughts occur:
- You can hear the thought and allow for it to pass.
- Exchange the thought with a powerful response. Ex: “That person will never like me.” Exchange with “Why would that person NOT like me!? I am amazing!” Even if you don’t believe it right away – the idea is simply to change the thought using something positive.
- Question the thought – is this true? Is it absolutely 100% true?
- Be consistent with whatever you choose in #3. Consistency is the key to all new habit creation.
Something that may surprise you is that the negative thoughts that are habitual may be the reason that you have bad physical habits
Emotional eating, excessive drinking, or smoking are physical habits that help you reduce your stress. The act itself may not be the real habit you should be addressing. Pay attention to your thoughts when you are doing something you wish you weren’t. Your negative thinking may be the real root cause to so many disempowering habits.
Your Life Coach – Traci