Feeling a bit grumpy as you grow older? Why wouldn’t we be?
Now that I am over 50, I work out five days a week and my body still jiggles in places it never did before! Instead of taking days off work to go day drinking with my friends, I am now taking days off for a colonoscopy. And when I try on a cute pair of high-heeled shoes, my ankles be like, “Girl… really?” It’s not easy to feel youthful with these reminders at every turn. But I have found a way.

Here are three tips to help you embrace your age with a youthful spirit:
1. **Stay Active – but update the expectation**
Now that I am over 50, exercise has taken on a new meaning. It used to be that I wanted to be fit and tight. But over the years I have fluctuated in weight so much that my skin doesn’t have the elasticity it used to. So, unless I want to feel frustrated about the results I am seeing because of the unrealistic result I am looking for – I must create a new result. One that is realistic and still motivating. Although my body jiggles in places I wish it didn’t – I still show up. “Showing up” is the new result. And with that comes great rewards for my mental health, confidence, and self-esteem.
2. **Keep Learning and Trying New Things**
Keeping your mind active and engaged is a fantastic way to feel youthful. Pick a new hobby, learn a language, or dive into a subject you’ve always been curious about. Not only will this keep your brain sharp, but it also adds excitement and novelty to your life. Many of us are becoming empty nesters which is the perfect time to start this “learning” journey!
3. **Surround Yourself with Positive Energy**
The people we spend time with have a significant impact on our mindset and how we feel. Surround yourself with friends and loved ones who lift you up, make you laugh, and inspire you. We are the sum of the people we spend the most time with. If you hang with Debbie Downers – you will be one too. If you hang with people who are not interested in making their life fun and exciting as they age – you won’t either. Cut down on the time spent with energy vampires who drain your spirit. Instead – hang out with the ones who will not only drive you to your colonoscopy but will also plan a day drinking date for old-time’s sake!
Growing older doesn’t mean we have to give up on feeling young. Embrace your age with confidence and a sense of humor. Laugh at the changes, find joy in new experiences, and cherish the wisdom that comes with age. After all, we’re Generation X—we’ve always been known for our resilience and ability to adapt. Let’s continue to rock this life stage with grace and STYLE – which means you’ll need to buy the cute pair of high heel shoes. Your ankles will understand.