Life Coaches are people who have great advice to share because they have always been confident, secure in who they are, and have never been afraid to fail…said no life coach EVER! In fact, for me, I am giving my hardships a purpose by turning them into blogs for you to see what I went through to get where I am.
1. Stop hating your wrong decisions.
Often, we get stuck believing that “had I not made that decision – my life would be so much better today”. You simply do not know that. How could you know? You cannot possibly know! All we have are the stories that we hold on to on how you THINK things would have been different. How is that story treating you? It is time to let go of that story. What did you learn from the decision you made? Why was it the best decision for you to make at that time? Trust that you made the right decision based on where you were in your life at the time. Move on with where you are now because living in the past only disrupts your future.
2. Stop bringing negative people with you for the ride.
People do not always grow at the same pace. If someone does not believe in your dream – it is because they are not a dreamer. If they do not see the positivity in how you are growing it is because they are not growing themselves. If they do not show respect – It is because they do not respect themselves. Time to leave them to tend to themselves while you kick ass in creating your life!
3. Stop thinking you are too old for your goals.
TRUTHBOMB – You are going to be 10 years older than you are right now someday! What will that “10 years older” version of yourself say about this? If you did not know your age – what would you do? Write down 10 reasons why you should do it BECAUSE of your age. Research people that have reached your goal later in life. The only thing holding you back is a bullshit story.
4. Stop wishing you were somewhere else in life.
You are where you are. You cannot change history so instead of suffering over it – take action. What is great about where you are? What do you want to change? Different job, different relationship, different mindset, different body, different habits? What is one step you can take towards making that change? The past cannot be changed but the future is what you make of it. Make it a good one!
5. Stop making excuses.
Excuses do not look good on you. They only make you feel better for not
doing what you really want to do. For example: Using the excuse of “I don’t have the time” feels better than saying “I am afraid to fail”. What is the truth behind the excuse? Tackle it head on and go for it! When is “now” the right time to finally take action?
I challenge you to stop doing these things and see how it feels. I think you will be surprised.
Your Life Coach – Traci