I have a confession. I am a closet “roller over” goal setter. I love setting goals but rarely have I ever met any of them to the level of which I thought I would at the beginning of the year. Therefore, at goal setting time, I find myself not setting new goals but rather rolling over the unmet goals into the upcoming year. Frankly, I am getting bored of having the same ol’ goals from one year to the next. What I really want is to once and for all create healthy habits where I do not need to set a goal for anything that feels daunting. Like setting that weight loss goal. Ugh. Every year when I set that goal, I can feel my body laughing at me. “Really Traci? THIS goal AGAIN?” Yes, Body, I hear you. And yes, Body, I know its been a goal for 20 years. And yes Body, I am tired too.
To change this, I must do something different because what I’ve been doing is clearly not working. So, what needs to change? Is it HOW I lose weight? Is it remembering my WHY? Is it not setting strong enough goals? Is it my strategy?
What I need to crush my goals is three things: energy, time, and focus. What I’ve been doing is putting 1/3 of my energy, a 1/3 of my time, and 1/3 of my focus into each of those goals. The results would be reducing some debt, losing some weight and contributing a little more. What I’ve been doing every year is making progress but not ever crushing it!
I eventually landed on the right question, “Why do you have to have the same level of focus, time and energy behind each of my goals? What has that done for me?”
This hit me like a 100lb jelly donut.
The contemplation continues…
How do I stop this madness!?
Revelations starting to kick in…
First – who ever said I had to set three goals of equal value? What would happen if I choose one goal and put 80% of my time, energy and focus behind it leaving 20% left over for my other goals?
Well…let’s try it!
I put 80% of my focus in the 4th quarter of 2020 on one goal – exercise. Which meant that reducing debt was still important to me, as well as, eating healthy, however, my main goal was exercise. This is the process I used to decide which goal to put 80% into:
Where do I want to put my energy? Deciding which of my goals is a priority based on which one of my goals has the biggest consequences for my life if I do not meet it.
To put 80% of my focus into this goal means that I would be fully immersed in it. To be immersed I used at least 30 minutes of my time every day to read blog posts or books, watch You Tube video’s to learn and surround myself with people who were equally as passionate about exercise. I also committed one hour of my time to do a kickboxing class 4-5 days a week. If I was not at the gym I would commit to one hour of time at home of exercise. I would consistently be thinking about this ONE goal 80% of the time.
Use language that is motivating and gets me fired up, as opposed to, the language that induces doubt into my ability to put my all into this.
“I love going to the gym!”
“I love moving my body!”
“I can not wait to go to the gym!”
“I am someone who is fit at fifty!”
What a game changer this has been. In three months, I successfully met my goal of making exercise a habit without leaving my other goals behind. I have found that full immersion into one goal is the thing that works for me. I lost ½” on my arms, legs, and chest and 1” on my hips. I gained .6lbs of muscle and feel proud of myself for finally changing a 20 year pattern and no longer have the need to roll over this goal into a new year.
Now that I have made this a habit, I do not need to put as much focus, time, and energy behind. It is something that I now just DO. Next year, I will fully immerse in another goal until it is also a part of who I am.
My body now thanks me, as opposed to, laughing at my goals. No more “rolling over” my goals. Instead, I am focused on creating healthy habits that will last a life time – ONE GOAL AT A TIME.
What is the goal you would like to be fully immersed in next year? Share below if you want!
If you are looking for a tool to help you with your goals, check out my free 2021 Goal Planner here!
Your Life Coach – Traci