Mental health is a topic that continues to grow in popularity in our nation. People are being open more than ever about sharing their stories. Most recently, we have seen Simone Biles take a stand for herself as she withdrew from several events in the Olympics. And as always, there are people who are applauding her and people who are doubting her intensions. Simone knew there would be some backlash and she did it anyway. Why? Because only Simone knows what is best for her.
Here are 3 things we can learn from Simone Biles story:
#1 – Trust yourself and screw the doubters.
When you need a break – take one. Simone had a choice. She could have done the events even though her head was not in a good place. She could have gotten hurt. And then later the doubters would have been saying “She shouldn’t have competed if she was not well.” Bottom line – someone will always have something to say. Do what is right for you – ALWAYS.
#2 – Perfection is never the goal – unless you are competing in the Olympics.
Gymnastics is a sport where perfection is the only winner. In real life – as we are working towards our goals – perfection is what will stop you. If you are a self-proclaimed “Perfectionist” you are simply someone who is afraid to get it wrong because “getting it wrong” represents something negative in your life. Can you imagine if perfectionism WAS the only way to reach your goals? What kind of pressure would you feel? What goals would you never start because of your fear of not doing it perfectly? Perfectionism will never serve you – unless you are a gymnast in the Olympics.
#3 – Lean on the people who support you.
While Simone Biles has a whole team, all you need is one. It could be a coach, a therapist, a family member, a friend, or a partner. Sometimes the person that you are leaning on does not know how to help. Let them know what you need. If you are the person supplying the support – ask them how you can support them best.
Thank you, Simone, for your courage in doing what is right for you regardless of the doubters and for unintentionally getting the world talking about the importance of taking care our mental health.
“For anyone saying I quit. I didn’t quit, my mind & body are simply not in sync as you can see here,” Biles wrote on social media on Thursday. “I don’t think you realize how dangerous this is on hard/competition surface nor do I have to explain why I put health first.”
– Simone Biles
Say that last part a little louder for the people in the back, Simone!
Your Life Coach – Traci