Chances are if you clicked on this blog, you have heard of Imposter Syndrome. Just in case you haven’t, here are a few ways to know if you may be experiencing Imposter syndrome.
You are someone who:
- feels they are not deserving of their achievements because of the overwhelming feeling that you “just got lucky”,
- sits in a meeting thinking you do not belong
- feels like a fake in your career with a fear of “being found out”
You have Imposter Syndrome.
If this is you, I want you to know you are not alone. According to Psychology Today 70% of adults have experienced Imposter Syndrome at least once in their life.
Facts about Imposter Syndrome
- 20-30% of successful people experience Imposter Syndrome. Some known celebrities include Albert Einstein, Maya Angelou and Michelle Obama.
- Imposter Syndrome was first discovered by studying high achieving women in 1978 by psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes.
- People with imposter syndrome are constantly apologizing for small mistakes they make.
- People with imposter syndrome do not celebrate their successes.
- One major cost of Imposter Syndrome is that people do not share their ideas, they fly under the radar even if they have valuable things to say, resulting in a diminished self-esteem.
Where does Imposter Syndrome come from?
It depends on who you ask. In the research I have done, I have found many answers to this question ranging from:
- growing up in a home where your achievements were not acknowledged to
- growing up in a home where you were emotionally abused which instilled a fear of rejection to
- growing up in a home where beauty was valued more than achievements.
Although the real answer to this question remains a mystery, I believe the more important question to focus on is “How do I overcome it?”
How to overcome Imposter Syndrome
Here’s the truth that you may not want to hear – you do not overcome Imposter Syndrome, you manage it. Just like having limiting beliefs about yourself such as “I can’t do it”, “I am not enough”, “I am unlovable”, etc., we cannot control these thoughts coming in because they are thoughts deep rooted in the subconscious mind.
These thoughts that result in the imposter feeling are created over time by people or events that lessened your self-esteem. The message is stored in your brain and presents itself at the most opportune time (or so the brain thinks). This may look something like the brain saying, “Hey, don’t forget, you are not nearly as smart as everyone else in this room.” And although it sounds mean, the brain does not want to hurt you. It is just wired from that past event or person that made you believe this. Remember – just because the thought comes to mind does not mean that you have to believe it.
Here are 5 ways to manage your Imposter Syndrome.
1. Be in charge of what you tell yourself.
All our thoughts create our emotions. All our emotions create our actions. And all our actions create our destiny. If you are feeling anxiety or self-doubt due to Imposter Syndrome, you have allowed for your subconscious mind to take over. We do NOT want our subconscious mind in charge of our destiny. When you notice the signs of Imposter Syndrome creeping in tell yourself just the opposite of what comes up for you.
For instance, instead of the previous thought stopping you, instead say “I DO belong here.” “I am not a fake – I earned this!” “I wonder how many people in this room think that I am smarter than THEM” (remember- 70% of people experience Imposter Syndrome so the chances of several of them being in the room with you is EXTREMELY high. )
2. Create an alter ego.
Since the subconscious mind is its own entity in our brain, we need a superhero alter ego to combat it when it appears.
Who is someone that you consider strong?
Who is someone that you consider to be of power?
Who is someone you could count on to destroy the subconscious mind when it is lying to you?
It could be a character of a TV show, a movie or someone that you really know. You can also make up an alter ego. Give the alter ego a name. My alter ego is Khaleesi from Game of Thrones. When I am feeling self-doubt, I call on my inner Khaleesi to remind me of who I am. I am smart! I am enough! I am worthy! I am killin’ it! This alter ego shows up from your conscious mind which is the part of the brain that YOU are control of.
3. List 5 reasons why you belong where you are.
This is a great pattern interrupt for disempowering thoughts. Interrupting the thoughts is how you will create new patterns of thought that will stop those negative thoughts and replace them with new empowering ones.
4.Celebrate more.
People with Imposter Syndrome do not like to celebrate their accomplishments, therefore, it is imperative that you force yourself to celebrate your big and small wins. When I started a class at the gym I felt I didn’t belong with all the fit people in the class. As I was walking to my car after a workout I would tell myself, “Good job, Traci!”. It triggers the brain to view the gym as something that should be rewarded and releases dopamine – the mood enhancing chemical in the brain. This happens every time we celebrate anything. Celebrating your win’s (especially the small ones) associates your actions with success. Which is much better than associating it with not belonging!
5.Reframe what imposter syndrome means.
If you are experiencing Imposter Syndrome it means that you are achieving, growing, and taking action towards your goals! Instead of fighting the thoughts – celebrate them. “I am feeling like I don’t belong…HELL YES! Thanks, Imposter Syndrome for the reminder that being uncomfortable means I am in the right place.”
Remember – your thoughts create your destiny! It is much more fun when you create your destiny from a place of confidence. Create your confidence by using the steps above and sit back to enjoy the ride!
Your Life Coach – Traci
For help with breaking bad habits and creating new ones, check out my online course Habit Slayers.
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